Thursday, December 9, 2010


     I will miss everyone. Every one has become my family. WE all became so close together. I love everyone in my class, including the other teachers, My years as a 8th grader are done. I am a senior now and I'm sadden. Me and my enemies are now friends, but we still fight sometimes. When I meat up with them at school I'm happy, but deep in side I'm sad. I will cry at the graduation, after we get our diplomas.
      Each year was different. Sometimes we got along. Sometimes we didn't.  We grew closer towards the end of last year, after presentations. My self grew close to one person, and now we are like sisters. When she is playing sports, I sit their and cheer her on. I love her like another sister. She is my family. The seventh grade was harder, when we found out next year is our last. AS we grew up we made true friends none like no other friends you have had before. It was tough, but we are glad to be their together.
   We have all the fun stuff to look forward to. Senior trip, graduation, prom, year book, and so much more. This year is going to rock. Learning that we get less work, cause we use computers is great. Doing our high school applications is hard. Because you want to live in the moment of being a senior.
        When the teachers take our work they give back, after the correct errors. To show us what is the problem and how can we fix it. It is hard. but it's worth it. My "boy friends" like to play football, so I can watch them play knowing how good their at it. Goodbye is a word I hate. I'm not ready to say goodbye to WSC. And it's not ready to say good bye to me. I love being a Senior but it's the goodbye I hate. 

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