Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Cyber Bullying/ Bullying

     Where you ever just a by stander? The person who stood there while your friends get attacked? You where there while your friend got bullied because they were different. If they were big, skinny, or didn't wear ''now'' fashion that gave others a reason to bully. Which isn't right Not doing anything to prevent this is what causes children and teens to commit suicide. 1 out of every 4 children kill them selves because others think it's hysterical to call them names like fat, ugly, king-Kong, gay or faggot. These are names kids are being called every day because their different. Knowing what it feels like to be terrorized by those who have no life. Most kids who bully others is because they are insecure or have something going on at home. Cyber bullying is the number one cause of suicide. When teens are getting these text messages saying " You should kill yourself" over and over they eventually do it. Like the boy from Rugger's University who was exposed online of him with another male. Once he realized what his roommate did he went and jumped off the George Washington bridge. There are many show, messages, and programs that explain to you why this is important. This coming in to school with a gun or a knife and killing or slashing those who constantly abuse them. This happens in everyday life weather you like it or not. Stop bullying! Speak up! and don't let the next victim be you. There's no mistake choose to bully to a victim or stand up!

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