Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Remeber Me

        I'm nineteen now and I'm still dead. Well I'm not dead but my mind is. Do you remember how I told you guys that I was in a car accident? well, now I'm in a comma and I've been in one for about three years now. You know that Kate Hudson movie were she's in the hospital and she come out of her body? That's not my case. I can hear them but I can't talk to them.
        " God, she looks so peaceful!" my mother said." I wonder what she is thinking if she is thinking at all. My mom always came to visit even when she got out of work. " Hey mom, how is she doing?" Remi asked. " Well if she doesn't open her eyes by today well have to pull the plug" she cried. I have never seen my mother so heart broken. It was like I was dead and she was looking at my lifeless body. " Come on wake up, wake up! my cautious kept screaming but my body wouldn't listen. Then all of a sudden I had the strength to slowly open one eye. I don't know what it was but it just pushed me till I did. You know baby steps, anyways  I opened my eyes and looked around to realize I didn't know where I was. " Um, hello is anyone hear?" I said softly. I heard foot steps rushing to my door to then see an unfamiliar women at the foot of my bed. " Oh sweetie thank god, I thought I would never see your gray eyes again" she cried. " Do I know you I mean am I suppose to ?" I asked. " What?, you don't remember me?" She replied. " I'm sorry I don't even know who I am?" She ran out the room flustered with fear. What the hell was going on?
        " Helen let me a sure you that this is something very typical for comma patients" the doctor said. " Well tell me then why did she not remember a single thing about me or who she is" that lady cried. I was sitting in the room just listening to what the lady said about me. Talking about I was he daughter and that it was really painful for her but I didn't even know her! I didn't even know my name yet. " Valarie is the only thing I have left to remember my husband by because she looks so much like him I can't lose her to!, so you go in there and you fix her !!!" she screamed. My name was Valarie and that lady really was very forceful towards that man int he white coat.
      " Valarie can you hear me?, I'm doctor June Bug what's your name?" he said. " My name is, is Valarie I think that's it?" I asked. Their trying to give me this shock therapy stuff but it's not working at all.  " Okay Valarie how old are you if you're in college?"he asked. " I don't know seventeen!" I screamed. " Ms. Smith we danced through all the training and nothing seems to work" he says. I can't hear them very well but I heard I was going home. Which is where? I don't think I want to go home with someone I don't know!    " Hum excuse me I don't want to go, you see I don't know her there fore I don't trust her. She could be some kind of kid killer and I refuse to be her next victim" I said.  She rushed out I didn't do any thing wrong but tell the truth.
     If I didn't know you I didn't trust you simple facts. I mean who in there right mind would trust someone that they didn't know. " Ready to go home Val, someone can't wait to see you!" She shouted. I smelt the fresh air in my face the breeze going through my hair. In hailing fresh air getting all that oxygen. I got out the chair and walked walked to the car. This big house with two floors was mine. " This is your room, I left it like it was since of the day of the car crash." She whispered " Can i ask you a question?" " Yeah sure Valarie what is it?" " Why didn't you pull the plug and let me go?" I asked. " Because even though you were in the comma there was no way in hell I was gonna let you die on me Val." I guess I kind of under stood why she did not let me die but that dies not change the fact that I did not trust her. " Okay so now that all your questions have been asked I want you to meet some one special!" she yelped. " Who are you talking about?" " Remi bring him in I think she is ready!" she yelled. Bring who in? who are they talking about.... He was so gorgeous his blue crystal eyes, tan skin, red Spike hair. Almost as if he was a angle sent down from heaven. But how come I didn't know him? " Hi little guy, what's your name!" I mumbled. You know since he was a baby I talked to him like a baby. " Valarie this is Jailer your nephew" she sighed. I looked up at Remi to see tears streaming down her eyes. I knew her name because she was the only person name I remembered which is a miracle because I didn't know any one else. " Why are you crying?, is it something I  did!" I cried " No, no no it's just that I've been waiting so long for this day to come and I'm so happy it's here". " Me too Remi me to." The next day I went to the doctor to check if the memory loss was serious. " Now Valarie what do you remember so far about what happened?" he asked. " I remember that I was in my car on my way to school and I got hit but I don't remembered what happened before that". " Okay then that is a very good start but your gonna need a lot of practice and time to adapt to the new living situation." I jumped off the table wishing that I could already remember everything about me, my friends, my family. Why was it so hard?
     " Valarie I want to give you something that might help you with your condition". Remi walked in to my room as if it was something so serious that it could change my life. And it did actually. " What is it?" " Well it's this." She moved her hand over the cover and gave it to me it said " Journal Entries Of Valarie". " What's this some kind of diary?" I asked. " yeah it was a journal I kept of you when you were in the comma I thought it could help you." " Why are you giving it to me now?" " I thought this would be the right time". She left it right there on my bed and walked out hoping it would help me with my memory loss. I walked over and opened it slowly the first entry was on how it happened to me, the next one was my birthday and how old I was and what it felt like for her, then the one journal entry that caught my eyes was the on Jailer and his first birthday. " Valarie if you were here you could see how beautiful he is. He looks a little like you same eye color those big blue greenish eyes when they look at you you know that your at peace. I talk about you every day about how old you were and your favorite ice cream and books. Gosh I wish you were here Val to tell him about girls with me, to brace him for all the heart breaks he will account, to say those three words that will make me whale like crazy... I love you." Tears started falling down my eyes in a facing paste every thing started to come back to me. It was like one flashing motion of pictures and memories running through my head. Everything got so dizzy and blurry I couldn't breath. " Remi, Remi" I called but no one answered. I thought I was going to die. I got to go tot he door but I was so weak I collapsed to the floor. I looked up at the ceiling and just watched all the things that would have been a tear rolled down my face and everything went black.
     " Valarie, Valarie." Someone was calling my name and I had to find out who. I opened my eyes slowly and it was Jailer his beautiful little smile made my heart beat at 2,000 per minute. " Yeah baby how are you?". I got to huge him and give him a huge kiss on the for head. " Yeah your a wake!" Remi rushed to my side and pulled me close." Don't ever scare me like that again do you understand me?." Water was on the side of my face she was crying really hard. " How are you feeling Valarie?" the doctor asked. " Actually I feel really good I mean all those pictures kept coming in my mind made me fell better". " Well since you fell better lets test your knowledge. "What is today's date?" " Today is the nineteen of 2010!" " That is correct will  run a few test but you seem to have got your memory back congrats." he walked out the room and I immediately jumped on top of Remi. " I can't believe this I'm free. I actually remember everything. I actually remember me!"


On The Bridge

  Followers or leaders which one is better. To be your own person or to have your body slammed into the wind shield of a car ?Seth and Adam are two different kids. Seth is a good boy who just wants to be cool. But Adam is the opposite he’s rude, crude, careless, and very,very distrustful. I guess it is true opposites do attract. On the Bridge By Todd Strasser is about two boys Adam & Seth who hangs out on the bridge wall every day. Until one day Seth started to realize that some of the things Adam was doing were reckless. Throwing cigarette buds at cars, almost making some one run off the road. Being a follower isn’t a joke when some one gets hurt in the end.
    There were many different themes through out the story. One them was child vs adult because Seth had to face the guy who owned the car. Which was pretty weird knowing that he didn’t do it. “ Seth didn’t know what he was talking about. He tried to raise his head, but the husky guy pushed his face closer to the wind shield. Lord was he strong. “ I said, lick it.” Lick what? Seth wanted to ask. then he looked down at the glass and saw the spot of gray ash where Adam’s cigarette had hit. This relates to my thesis because if Seth did not hang out with Adam that much and left when he almost made the lady run off the road, then he would not have been in that mess. An would not have gotten hurt the way he did. Another theme would be friend vs friend through out the story because Adam said it was Seth who dropped the ash when it wasn’t. He lied and got Seth beaten up because he was to afraid to tell the guys it was him. “ Seth determined not to tell. He didn’t believe in squealing on his friends. But suddenly he noticed that all three guys were staring at him. He quickly looked at Adam and saw why. Adam was pointing at him. This relates to my thesis because it explains how if you follow your friends they can turn on you at any moment.
Characterization was a bid part of this story to because they was a lot of change in each character through out the story. Like the protagonist was Seth and the antagonist was Adam. This is true because Adam had this kind of effect on Seth to disobey his mothers orders about the jacket. “ Adam wasn’t one of those kids who kept their cool clothes in their locker and only wore them in school because their parents wouldn’t let them wear them at home. Seth had parents like that. His mother would have had a fit if she ever saw him wearing his sleeveless denim jacket, so he had to hid it in the garage.” This shows that because Adam’s parents are not strict like Seth’s mother he wants to be like Adam be free to wear what ever he wants when ever he wants. As long as she does not know about it. They were was also how each character changed from the beginning to the end. Like with Seth after he got his butt beat he couldn’t even look at Adam. “ I tried to help you,” Adam said, “ but one of them held a knife on me.” Seth glanced at him. “ It was a small knife,” Adam said. “ I guess he didn’t want anyone else to see it. The turning point : “ Seth shook his head. He didn’t believe Adam. He started to walk home. “I’ll get those guys for you, man” Adam said. Seth nodded aging. He didn’t even tun to watch Adam go.
Following people is not being your own person. It’s being the other persons shadow or their puppet. It’s getting blamed for something you never did because the other person is to afraid to admit they did it. I think this was a very interesting story because it just drills you in sentence by sentence and it is well written to. My reaction through out was just wow how each character just flipped roles in just the matter of a paragraph. I would recommend it because it teaches you in the end that following your so called “friends” can bring to things you never expected. On the bridge tells you the story of two boys one who was the follower but became a leader in the end.

Cyber Bullying/ Bullying

     Where you ever just a by stander? The person who stood there while your friends get attacked? You where there while your friend got bullied because they were different. If they were big, skinny, or didn't wear ''now'' fashion that gave others a reason to bully. Which isn't right Not doing anything to prevent this is what causes children and teens to commit suicide. 1 out of every 4 children kill them selves because others think it's hysterical to call them names like fat, ugly, king-Kong, gay or faggot. These are names kids are being called every day because their different. Knowing what it feels like to be terrorized by those who have no life. Most kids who bully others is because they are insecure or have something going on at home. Cyber bullying is the number one cause of suicide. When teens are getting these text messages saying " You should kill yourself" over and over they eventually do it. Like the boy from Rugger's University who was exposed online of him with another male. Once he realized what his roommate did he went and jumped off the George Washington bridge. There are many show, messages, and programs that explain to you why this is important. This coming in to school with a gun or a knife and killing or slashing those who constantly abuse them. This happens in everyday life weather you like it or not. Stop bullying! Speak up! and don't let the next victim be you. There's no mistake choose to bully to a victim or stand up!

Thursday, December 16, 2010


       As a thirteen year old girl I do believe that all of us in the world can make a difference. If we all fight pollution together imagine how all the animals would still be alive. In all of our oceans, and all the trees will be nature's best reference. I love the topic of pollution because I want to change your mind just like anyone else would. One thing you could do is always recycle. That's the umber one thing ever. If you recycle the bottles or containers won't end up in our water system. Or worst in a whales blow hole. Another thing is that you can close the water when you finish with it and don't use hot water. It waste it but using the water wasted can be used to water plants and trees. Doing all of these things can prevent all the bad things happening. So If you want to help make a difference in pollution.

Writers Peeps!!!(:

Thursday, December 9, 2010


     I will miss everyone. Every one has become my family. WE all became so close together. I love everyone in my class, including the other teachers, My years as a 8th grader are done. I am a senior now and I'm sadden. Me and my enemies are now friends, but we still fight sometimes. When I meat up with them at school I'm happy, but deep in side I'm sad. I will cry at the graduation, after we get our diplomas.
      Each year was different. Sometimes we got along. Sometimes we didn't.  We grew closer towards the end of last year, after presentations. My self grew close to one person, and now we are like sisters. When she is playing sports, I sit their and cheer her on. I love her like another sister. She is my family. The seventh grade was harder, when we found out next year is our last. AS we grew up we made true friends none like no other friends you have had before. It was tough, but we are glad to be their together.
   We have all the fun stuff to look forward to. Senior trip, graduation, prom, year book, and so much more. This year is going to rock. Learning that we get less work, cause we use computers is great. Doing our high school applications is hard. Because you want to live in the moment of being a senior.
        When the teachers take our work they give back, after the correct errors. To show us what is the problem and how can we fix it. It is hard. but it's worth it. My "boy friends" like to play football, so I can watch them play knowing how good their at it. Goodbye is a word I hate. I'm not ready to say goodbye to WSC. And it's not ready to say good bye to me. I love being a Senior but it's the goodbye I hate. 

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Inside & Out

4 months, 3 days, 8 weeks before my 16th birthday. I never thought this day would come so fast. Just like in an instant you could be in your wedding dress or graduating from high school. Not like the one that makes you loose 40 pounds, 10 inches using the 10 minute instant fat burner. " Get it today loose 10 inches off your waist". I hate those commercials either your fat or skinny pick one. I really mean the instant were  anything in a blink of an eye. Everything you hoped and worked for is gone. An instant when the person you love you love got shot and killed right in front of you. The instant were me, Valary was in a comma for three years.
      It all started like a regular day. My parents fighting as usual and my sister throwing up in the bathroom. She has a eating disorder but my parents don't even notice. They're two caught up in their stupid web to focus on how skinny and pale Remi has gotten. She's 19 and I'm well you know. Any ways I got up to go to the bathroom to shower for school. " Remi how long are you going to stay in there and puke your brains out?" I asked. She swung open the door and pulled me in. It smelt like raw fish mixed with sour milk. " Hey will you shut your mouth, mom and dad don't know I'm pregnant yet!" " Wait?," " What! your knocked up, since when?" I screamed. I wonder how the hell did this happen. I mean I know how but with who? " Yeah since last month, what did you think was wrong?" " I thought you had a eating disorder!" " Me, noway Val you know me I eat twice as much on a regular basics.  " Everything started to make sense, the weird cravings, the throwing up, the sleeping more. How could I not have noticed. " So who is the babies father Remi?" I asked her. "It's Brian we have been dating for about a year and well you know happened next." " Wait Brian next door, he is white!" I screamed. " Yeah and we're Mexican-American big whoop, the main thing is i love him." I ran out the bathroom thinking could this day get any worse. An it did.....
        I pulled out of the drive way only thinking about Remi. How could she have done this? they were only dating for a year. Remi always told me she wanted to go to Julliard and practice ballet. Remi was the best ballet dancer I knew. She stared in Swan lake 20,000 times since the second grade. She always told me that no matter what happens she would always be there for me. Which is convenient now that in a comma. It sucks cause I won't see my niece or nephew and I've been in this thing for like two years now so I'm 17 and Remi is 21. Back to me in a comma. As I drove down the street I kept thinking about what kind of life she would have with Brian and the baby. She was the last person I thought about before.... The next thing  I knew my head was smashing in to my window. Glass in my eyes, blood trickling down my face. I felt a tear run down my bloody check as I lade there up side down. I saw foot steps running towards me. " Some one call 911!" I heard. The last thing I remember was doctors standing over me and my mother crying like I've never seen before. She was my last image before everything went black and never turned white. That was the instant were my world came crashing down two years ago. Over running a red light.